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The Student News Site of St. Petersburg High School

Palmetto & Pine


Palmetto & Pine

Palmetto & Pine

Izzy Welch

Izzy Welch, Photographer

All content by Izzy Welch
Scene from St. Pete Beach prior to Hurricane Helene.

[Photo] Why the Rain Won’t Go Away

Finnegan Cox, Devil’s Eye Writer
October 7, 2024
Romantic comedies provide a sense of comfort with the notion that everything works out in the end.

[Photo] The Rise of Rom-Coms

Sofia Hahn, A&E Writer
April 6, 2023
While a schedule alteration isn’t in the books for the school, students are left wondering what schedule would be the most efficient for students and teachers.

[Photo] Sore Subject: The IB Scheduling Dilemma

Ava John, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
March 6, 2023
Mindfulness is a very accessible tool to combat stress, anxiety, and other negative feelings.

[Photo] Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Justin Jordan, Devils Eye Writer
March 6, 2023
"During COVID, attendance didn’t play a role in a student’s ability to exempt from exams; now the current requirements are the same as the pre-COVID expectations."

[Photo] Exam Exemption

Ava John, SPHS News Editor
December 12, 2022
"The Archives Room features everything there is to know about the roots of St. Pete High."

[Photo] The SPHS Archives

Paloma Welch, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 12, 2022
"Knowing what makes you feel loved can help to create more meaningful and genuine relationships."

[Photo] Unpacking & Understanding Love Languages

Ella Flye, Devil’s Eye Editor
December 12, 2022
Sunrise at St. Pete High.

[Photo] Why do we see the sun rise?

Sofia Rodriguez, Devils Eye Writer
October 18, 2022
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